Saturday, November 22, 2008

Compromised technologies

We live in a world of compromises. And when compromise is true for life, it easily gets instilled in whatever we do. Our thoughts, actions and feelings – all have an impact. The effect is minimal if it stays within. The magnitude increases if it comes out in whatever form. The enormity is directly proportional to the number of people a person is linked to. And if the person is an inventor of something that has become a part of our life, any compromise that came along the invention path, will lead to a terrible blow when things don’t work as planned.

Can we not have shock free electricity, or airplanes that bounce off when they collide with building? The vehicles that we use, can these prevent accidents? Do we design homes and use the roads judicially? What about software that we make? When we invent, do we give ample thought to any misuse? If we could, thousands of lives would have been saved. Did we rush to bring the latest invention to the market without bothering about its impact? Is money and fame that important?

There are multiple factors that lead us to compromise. Pressure to delivery or achieve under constraints, competition that can kill the product or relation, politics to gain when something is lacking, tight deadlines that if not met can ruin the idea, envy, lack of knowledge and inadequate experience in handling and decision making. All these impact quality, a compromise that does not have immediate visible impact, but serves deadly in future.

Another question that comes to minds is: Is the compromise worth? The answer is a strict NO, this question itself should not have come had the world been a no-compromise place. Can we have no-compromise world? Yes, we can. Will I be considered arrogant and egoistic if I am a no-compromise-man? Some people might think so, but the clear answer is no.

How to get things done right:

  1. Plan, plan and plan. Plan ahead.
  2. Dry run the plan
  3. Have a road map and milestones
  4. Take your own time
  5. Implement wisely
  6. Be honest and raise any red flags
  7. Think ahead and list impacts and misuse. Invent ways to prevent any
  8. Design for enhancements for areas where extensions are possible
  9. Test it in and out
  10. Engineer recovery, protection and lock up
  11. Have courage
  12. Patience is the key
  13. Study well with comprehensive theory coverage
  14. Design for anyone and everyone
  15. Have a clear idea of what you are doing and how it will change the world

You never know your invention might become a necessity tomorrow, so don’t compromise.

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